Look at them moves! Good job! Let's proceed...

Chat - Click chat box, type, then press enter.
Change chat type - Click on the oval button above the chat box
Hide chat types - Click on the little arrow beside the chat box
Move Camera/head - Arrow keys
Lay down - Z Z
Lay lean - Z Z Z
Lay side - Z Z Z Z
Lay back - Z Z Z Z Z
Stand - X for however many times you pressed 'Z' to lie down
Lay down - Z Z
Head rest - Z Z shift and Z
Curl - Z Z shift and Z shift and Z
Stand - X for however many times you pressed 'Z' to lie down
Head lock/unlock - Left Alt
Zoom - Click mouswheel and drag mouse
Autorun - Q
First Person - F1
Third Person - F2
Fly Camera - F3
Hide/ show all icons - Tab
Toggle chat - C
Toggle minimap - V
Toggle info - B
Toggle friends -  M
Toggle group - ,
Toggle actions - N
Toggle moviemaker - .
Screenshot - Prt Sc